关于2020届本科生确认指导老师和毕设题目的通知 ( Notice on Graduation Design/Thesis of 2020 Graduates—Thesis Topic & Supervisor Selection )



To students of batch 2016,


Affected by the pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus, the scheduled 2020 Graduation Design (Thesis) arrangements have been adjusted. The confirmation process of Thesis Topic & Supervisor Selection will be done ONLINE as following:

1.   217日前,学院发布2016级本科生毕业题目及导师信息。

Before Feb. 17th, CIE will publish all proposed thesis topics and supervisors’information to students.

2.   217日起,学生联系导师,确定毕设题目

From Feb. 17th, students are advised to contact supervisors to confirm the thesis topics related to your major.

3.   联系好毕设指导教师后,学生须完整填写《学位论文指导同意函》,并发送给导师。

After getting the agreement from supervisors, students must fill in the form of AgreementLetter to Instruct the Final Thesis ( see the attachment ) and then send it to your supervisors.

4.   经导师确定后通过导师工作邮箱发送到指定邮箱 JX4CIE@nuaa.edu.cn请在226日中午11:30之前发送

Please ask your supervisors to double check all the information on the form and then ask her/him to send it to: JX4CIE@nuaa.edu.cn through his/her working email. Remember the deadline is 11:30 AM on Feb. 26th.

5.   学院以收到指导教师邮件的时间为准确认毕设指导关系,拟报导师已指导学生人数超过五人的,学生须重新联系其他导师。

Only after receiving the email with the Agreement Letter sent from supervisor, will your thesis topic be officially acknowledged by CIE.Since each supervisor can only instruct no more than five students, CIE will record the name of your supervisor on a first-come, first-served basis according to time of receiving his/her email.

6.  需依据补考成绩确定是否具备毕设资格的学生,不参加本次论文选题及导师确认。请同学们认真准备补考。开学补考结束后如何参加毕设,学院将另文通知。

Students, who need to determine whether you are qualified for doing graduation design (thesis) according to the results of make-up exams, are NOT allowed to participate in this thesis topic selection and supervisor confirmation procedure. Please focus on preparing the make-up exams.Once we get the makeup exam results, CIE will release another official notification at first time. Please pay attention to CIE website.  

7.  2016级国际商务专业学生,由经管学院陆老师负责落实毕设题目及导师事宜,国教院提供必要的协助。

     For IB students, please follow the notifications from Prof. Lu working in College of Economics & Management.



Students, whose thesis topics are confirmed by CIE, must keep closely contact with supervisors by use WeChat, QQ, email or other ways through internet to get started your projects as soon as possible.




2020 agreement letter to instruct the final thesis .docx  


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