Routine Management
Dear international undergraduates,
According to the university arrangement, the make-up exam for the 1stsemester of 2019-2020 academic year will be from August 23rdto 27th, 2020. The make-up exams will totally cover 47 subjects and about 640 students will attend these exams. To assure all exams go well, CIE here makes the following notice:
一、考试准备Preparation for the exams
Students who had failed or deferred the exams of 1stsemester of 2019-2020 academic year (the fall semester of last year), please login the universitywebsite to check the time schedules of your own make-up exams.
2. 2014级、2015级、2016级结业生,请于8月17日前提出考试申请。请发送邮件至。邮件里,请注明本人学号和申请参加的考试课程。
Students who are now at status of “complete study” in batch of 2014, 2015 & 2016,please send an application email before August 17th. Please clearly tell us your student's ID number and the course names of the makeup exams you are willing to take in the email.
Attachment 1 in this notice shows the subject list of all make-up exams & the relevant information.
二、考试形式Exam Forms
OFFLINE EXAM: In principle, all the students now in China, including those who live on campus, live outside school in Nanjing or other cities, should go to the classrooms to attend offline exams.
Students, who live outside school, should submit a return-school application on “i南航” APP at least one day before your exam schedule.
Students, who are now in China but fail to attend offline exam in time, will be regarded as ABSENT from exam.
ONLINE EXAM: students, who are outside China or living high-risk areas of the epidemic in China, should attend online exam. The time schedules of all online exams are the same as the offline exams.
Students, who are outside China or from high-risk areas in China but fail to attend online exams in time, will be regarded as ABSENT from exam.
三、线上考试安排Online Exam Arrangement
1.线上监考要求与上学期期末考试相同。考生须提前准备笔记本电脑1台、手机1部和稳定的网络接入,并确保电脑上已安装VOOV MEETING视频会议软件。
The requirements of online exams remain the same with those of the final exams in last semester. To attend online tests, each student should prepare one laptop (with camera & microphone), one smartphone & stable internet connection before exam. And please make sure VOOV MEETING, the video conferencing software, is successfully installed on your computer.
Before the exams, WeChat groups will be set up for each exam, through which the simulation exams will be organized and important notices about the makeups will be announced. Students should pay close attention to the updates in WeChat groups. Please note that the number of students in each WeChat group is below 24 in order to meet the online exam requirements.
Attachment 2 shows the detailed requirements of the coming online exams.
四、疫情防控注意事项Precautions for epidemic prevention and control
In accordance with the epidemic prevention and control requirements, students who attend the offline exams should enter the classrooms in an orderly manner right before the specified examination time.Students shall obey the arrangement of the invigilator and sit at least two seats apart.
If the examinee has fever or other symptoms during exams, the invigilator should contact the hospital of NUAA, the Examination Center and CIE & deal with it according to the Emergency Plan for Epidemic Prevention and Control of NUAA.
Please attach great importance to the makeup examinations, make preparations in advance and complete the examination as required. Any questions, please contact the Academic Office of CIE.
(Tel: Minggugong campus 025-84895790, Jiangjunlu Campus 025-52112858).
附件1(Attachment 1):list of all make-up exams for semester 2019-2020-12019-2020-1 补考(非大四)应考课程 - 附件1.pdf
附件2(Attachment 2):Requirements ofOnline Makeup Exams for Semester 2019-2020-12019-2020-1学期线上补考要求.pdf