

2021 Spring Semester Opening Notice for NUAA International Students


Dear International Students:


Spring is blooming, the new semester is here as scheduled and all the students must have been well prepared for it. Please check this notice and read it carefully!


Part 1Overall Arrangements

  1. 2020-2021学年第二学期从202131日开始,请所有同学按时与辅导员联系,完成新学期报到事宜。

The second semester of 2020-2021 academic year starts on March 1,2021. All the students are required to contact the coordinator ontime for the registration of the new semester.

  1. 中国境内同学请继续做好疫情防护,坚持每日下午1点前在“i.南航”完成健康打卡。严格遵守学校疫情防控相关规定,进出校需按照学校相关要求进行申请。

All the students in Mainland China are required to follow the epidemic prevention and control regulations, and finish Daily Health Report on the “i.NUAA” app before1 pm every day. Students must apply before entering and leaving the campus.

  1. 暂时无法入境的境外同学,在线上报到后,按照教学相关通知参加线上教学。

Students who are nowout of China,please follow the relevant teaching notices to continue online study after the registration.


Part 2Teaching Arrangements

  1. 总体安排:本学期仍以线上教学为主,每门课程任课教师均会建立单独的课程微信群,请及时加入并关注自己的课程信息,按时上课。

Overall: Online study is still the main study method this semester. Teachers will set up a WeChat group for every course. Please pay attention to your course information and attend classes on time.

  1. 开学补考:本科生开学补考分为两个阶段:采用线上开卷方式进行补考(超星平台考试系统)的课程,将于开学后前两周完成;采用线上线下混合闭卷方式考试的课程,推迟至开学两周后,有补考的同学请及时关注课程补考信息。

About Make-up ExaminationsThe exams are divided into two stagesthe online open-book examinations (through the Superstar APP system) will be completed within the first two weeks of this semester; the online and offline blended closed book examination will be held after the first two weeks. Students who have make-up exams should pay attention to the exam notice timely.

  1. 2021届本科毕业生毕业设计安排:今年将首次采用毕设系统,所有毕设环节均需在系统内完成。

About the Graduation Thesis for Undergraduates: New graduation thesis system will be adopted this year and all the graduation processes are required to be done in the system.


At present, all topics have been uploaded on the thesis topic selection system. After the new semester starts, students should log into the system to select the topics they are interested in. Each student can select two different topics from different supervisors at the same time, but the supervisor will make the final decision. Since the system only has a Chinese interface, the college has prepared resources and related guidance videos to guide students to finish the topic selection process. Please pay attention to the relevant notices from the college.

  1. 本学期修读课程的选课和退选,均在教务系统线上进行,



About Course Selection: All the course selection and withdrawal process of this semester should be done through the DED system from March 1 to March 14. The website is http://aao-eas.nuaa.edu.cn/eams/login.action. Please finish before the deadline.


Moreover, according to the planning of the university, international students’ dorm building B4 and D30 need to be renovated and upgraded. The students who live in these two dorm buildings will move to the newly constructed dorm and the college will help you in each step. The specific notice will be given later. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.


College of International Education,NUAA


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