Routine Management
To undergraduate students of batch 2018:
The work of Graduation Design/Thesis for 2022 undergraduates will start in this month. The main arrangements are here announced as follows:
All graduation designs will be done in the NUAA Graduation Design/Thesis Management System, which students can visit on the webpage: or from the homepage of Academic Affairs Office: The account & password is the same as“i.NUAA”APP.
CIE will seriously oversee the whole process of all graduation works. In addition to carrying out the plagiarism inspection before graduation thesis defense, CIE will also invite several supervisors to check the thesis works of selected students.
Students, who fail to pass the plagiarism inspection or the intermediate check, will have to revise the theses and postpone the graduation thesis defense or even redo the graduation design/thesis.
Students only getting approval by CIE are allowed to start doing the graduation design/thesis. The qualification will be evaluated at the following three time-points:
Time-point 1: After make-up exams of the 7th semester, students who have failed less than 14 credits of compulsory courses in total are eligible to do the graduation design/thesis.
Time-point 2: After final exams of the 7th semester, students who have passed the retaken courses and then have less than 14 credits of failed compulsory courses in total, are eligible to do the graduation design/thesis.
Time-point 3: After make-up exams of the 8th semester, students have passed the make-up exams and then have less than 14 credits of failed compulsory courses in total, are eligible to do the graduation design/thesis.
Students, who get approved to start the graduation thesis works at Time-point 2 & 3, must work hard to catch up with the time schedule of University and the end time is the same as others.
四、毕设工作时间安排Time schedules of the Graduation Design/Thesis
(1) 2021年12月7日前,第一轮进毕设学生完成选题;
Before Dec. 7, 2021, students who are allowed to start doing the graduation design/thesis at Time-point 1 must complete the topic selection task in system.
(2) 2022年3月4日前,全部进入毕设学生完成开题答辩工作.
Before Mar. 4, 2022, all students, who are allowed to do the graduation design/thesis at Time-point 1 & 2, must finish writing the proposals, submit them in the system and get them approved by supervisors.
(3) 2022年4月1日前,完成毕设工作的中期检查;
Before April 1, 2022, the midterm check will be done.
(4) 2022年5月19日前,完成毕设论文抄袭检测工作;
Before May 19, 2022, all students must submit the theses in system for plagiarism inspection.
(5) 2022年5月19日,学校确定盲审抽检学生名单;
On May 19, 2022, University will announce a name list whose theses will be sent for blind peer review.
(6) 2022年5月27日——2022年6月9日,完成毕设答辩工作,答辩通过的学生上传毕业系统各项毕设材料;
From May 27 to June 9, 2022, all students should finish the graduation thesis defenses. After passing the defense, students must upload all required documents & working materials to the system.
(7) 2022年6月9日17点前,完成毕业设计管理系统成绩上报及校优秀毕设推荐工作。
Before 17:00PM on June 9, 2022, all supervisors will complete submitting final scores in system and CIE will decide the candidates competing for the award of Excellent Graduation Design/Thesis of NUAA.
(8) 2022年6月30日前,学校组织完成校级优秀毕设的评审;
Before June 30, 2022, University will announce the winners of the award of Excellent Graduation Design/Thesis of NUAA.
(9) 2022年8月31日前,完成本届毕设延期答辩工作,延期答辩未通过者需重做毕设。
Before August 31, 2022, all works of 2022 graduation design/thesis will be ended. Students who are unable to pass the defense at that time will be required to redo the graduation design/thesis next academic year.
五、延期答辩的规定 Regulations of postponing defense
In case of the following circumstances, the graduation thesis defenses of those students must be postponed. The postponed defense shall be organized no earlier than July 1, 2022, but no later than Aug. 31, 2022.
Students who start doing the graduation design/thesis at Time-point 2 & 3
Students whose thesis proposals are refused by supervisors
Students who fail in the midterm check
Students whose graduation thesis fail in the plagiarism inspection or the blind peer review
Students whose graduation defense conclusions are “need major revision” or worse
六、再次答辩的规定 Regulations of having a second defense
In principle, students who fail in the graduation thesis defense could have only one chance to redo the defense for a second time. And time duration between two defenses shall be longer than 1 month. The second defense shall be done before Aug. 31, 2022.
Students who fail again in the second defense will have to extend their time of schooling and redo the graduation design/thesis in 2023 with students of batch 2019.
七、工作联系人 Ask for help
Ms. Liu:+86-25-84893915.
八、帮助文档 help documents
(1) Demonstration video of using the graduation thesis system
Click to watch:
(2) How to select the thesis topic
Click to download:
(3) How to submit the midterm checking report
Click to download:
(4) How to submit the thesis for plagiarism inspection & e-signature
Click to download:
(5) How to submit Commitment Letter & Statement of Authorization
Click to download:
(6) How to submit the Record of Defense & the final thesis
Click to download:
Academic Affairs Office, CIE