关于2025届本科留学生毕业设计(论文)工作的通知(Notice on Arrangement of Graduation Design for 2025 Undergraduates)



To students of batch 2021


The College  of International Education will start the Graduation Design/Thesis for  2025 Undergraduates this month, to get the this work  carried out  smoothly and ensure the quality and level of the Graduation  Design/Thesis. The main arrangements are as follows


All graduation designs are conducted through the NUAA Graduation Design (thesis) Management System, which you can visit on the website: http://cp.nuaa.edu.cn or get into on the homepage of http://aao.nuaa.edu.cn, and then the school smart portal interface will pop up. After logging in, you can directly enter the system. Account & password: same with the account & password of the school smart portal.


The college will strengthen the random check and supervision of international students' graduation works. In addition to carrying out the plagiarism check before defense, the teaching supervisors from CIE will check the graduation designs randomly.If a design fail to pass the plagiarism test or random check, the defense will be postponed or even the whole designs will be redone.



Three rounds of qualification examination and admission:


First round: after  the seventh semester’s make-up examination, students who have less than  14 credits of failed compulsory courses will be eligible to do the  graduation design.


The second round:  after the end of the final of the seventh semester, the students who  haven’t finished their graduation designs in the first round of  examination will be eligible to do the graduation designs if they have  retaken the required courses again and have less than 14 credits of  failed compulsory courses.


The third round:  after the make-up examination at the beginning of the eighth semester,  students who do not have the qualification to complete the graduation  design at the time of the second round of examination will be eligible  to do the graduation design if they have less than 14 credits of failed  compulsory courses.


The students who have obtained the qualification to do their graduation designs within the second or third round must strictly follow the graduation design procedures, and the completion hours shall not be shortened with no reason.


Schedules of the Graduation Design/Thesis for 2025 Undergraduates:


Before December 16, 2024,  the students who have qualification to do the graduation designs after  the first  round of examination will complete the topic selection;


Before March 6, 2025, all  students will finish their opening defense (students who got their  qualification to do the graduation designs within the second or third  round of examination should complete the writing of the thesis before  the end of this semester or during the winter vacation, and their work  shall be guided and reviewed by the teacher);


Before  April 8, 2025,Complete the interim inspection ;


Before May 18, 2025, complete plagiarism check;


On May 19, 2025, the university will announce the name list of students whose papers will be blind reviewed; On May 20, 2025 at 12:00, the  deadline for submitting the external review paper and other related  materials will be met. The school will organize the submission of the  external review paper. Students who did not submit the external review  paper and other related materials on time will be treated as unqualified  in the external review; On May 28, 2025, the results of the external review will be announced;


From May 29, 2025 to June 9, 2025,  complete the thesis defense.After past the defense,students should  upload all required documents into the NUAA Graduation Design (thesis)  Management System;


Before 17:00 on June 9, 2025, complete submitting the results and recommendation of excellent graduation designs;


Before July 4, 2025, the university will organize and complete the review of excellent graduation designs;


Before August 31, 2025, All delayed defenses should be completed. Those who fail to pass the defense should redo their graduation designs.


In  case of the following circumstances, the defense shall be postponed:  students who start their graduation designs after the second and third  round of examination ,cannot do the thesis proposals in time, get  approval of their topics, fail the interim inspection, fail the internal  and external review, or   major modification needed on their defense  results. The defense shall be postponed for no less than 1 month and not  earlier than July 1 but not later than August 31.


The  arrangement for those who fail graduation defense: all the designs that  fail the defense should be redone or revised based on the decisions of  college after reviewing to the designsquality.In principle, there is only one chance to redo the graduation thesis defense, and  the revising time shall not be less than 1 month and not be later than  August 31. Students who need to redo their designs should extend their  time of schooling and choose a new topic in 2025.

五、工作联系人 Ask for help

国际教育学院教学办 宋家宇 52118826  

 Contact: Mr. Song 025-52118826.

六、帮助文档 help  documents 

(1) Demonstration video of using the graduation thesis system

     Click to watch: http://cie.nuaa.edu.cn/2021/0301/c2765a276914/page.htm 

(2) How to select the thesis topic

(3) How to submit the midterm checking report

(4) How to submit the thesis for plagiarism inspection & e-signature

(5) How to submit Commitment Letter & Statement of Authorization

(6) How to submit the Record of Defense & the final thesis

   Click to see the five manuals: http://cie.nuaa.edu.cn/2765/list.htm 



Academic Affairs Office, CIE

November 29,2024

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