关于2024-2025-1学期修读课程确认及调整通知(Notice for Course Confirmation and Adjustment of Semester 2024-2025-1)



To coordinators and students of batch  2019 ,2020 ,2021 ,2022 and  2023


    To ensure the new semester of 2024-2025-1 to proceed in an orderly manner, the official arrangement for course confirmation and adjustment is now notified as follows:

      一、读课程确认Course comfirmation

(一)     时间安排: 92-915

                         System opens from  September 2nd , 2024 to September 15th, 2024

(二)    操作方法:请见附件1

Instruction to operate: please check attachment 1

(三)     注意事项 Key points to check

       1. 请所有同学务必本人登录教务系统,核对确认本学期的修读课程与专业培养方案的要求是否一致,核对确认当前的修读课程与上学期选课结果是否一致;

       All students MUST login in your AAO system to double check : (1) The courses selected have met the requirements of the study plan of your major; (2) Make sure the selected courses shown in the system are consistent with the course selection results of last semester.

       2. 修读课程确认不影响后续的补退选和重修申请;

        Course confirmation won't affect reselecting, dropping or retaking courses afterwards.

       3. 未在教务处选课的课程不能参加考核、不能获得成绩和学分。

       Students areNOT qualified to attend the exams, get the marks or gain credit from those courses which hadn't been selected in DED system.



       Note: According to the Regulations for Undergraduate Course Assessment of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, starting from the 2024-2025 academic year, those who fail the course exam and are taking the course first time can participate in make-up exams; Those who fail the retake are not allowed to take the make-up exam and must retake again.

       二、 修读课程调整 Course adjustment(补、退及重修选课 reslect, drop & retake application


(一)    时间安排:

1.  补退选课和不及格重修选课: 9216:00 (北京时间)开始,至课程开课2周内;

     System opens from 16:00  September 2nd, 2024 to September 15th , 2024

2.   排进课表的实验、实践类课程须在915日前完成调整。

Courses of experiments and projects must be adjusted before September 15th

(二)    操作方法:请见附件2

Instruction to operate: please check attachment 2

(三)    结业学生请在开学两周内在网上选课,通知详见附件3

        Students, who are in the status of Completion of Study, should select courses online within the first TWO weeks of the semester. Please check the attachment 3.

          三、 修读课程确认与调整申请方式 Application method for Course confirmation & adjustment


The website for the course confirmation and adjustment is  http://aao-eas.nuaa.edu.cn/eams/login.action.  See attachments 4 for detail course list of semester 2024-2025-1.

四、其他说明 Other information

1.  学籍近期有变化的同学,请在学籍异动完成之后再补选新班课程。

    Students, whose academic status updated recently (resume to school, change major etc.), should reselect courses for your new class after the procedure completed.

2.  补退选、重修和学籍异动选课的同学在调整选课后须再次查看学期修读课程,确认修读课程是否和选课结果一致。

    Students, who reslect,drop,retake courses, should double check the semester course list , to ensure the selected courses are the same with the courses to be studied.

3.  2024级课程在新生选课后开放补选和重修选课。

    Courses for the first-year students are available to reslect and retake after they have finished course selection. It will be around the 3rd or 4th week of the new semester. 

五、联系方式 Ask for help


      Students can contact Academic Office of CIE for help. 

      The contact information is:  Email: 13285285@qq.com ;Phone number:86-25-52112858. 

附件1(Attachment 1):

      Guide to confirm your courseAttachment 1 Guide to confirm your course.pdf

附件2(Attachment 2):

    Guide to course adjustment.pdf

附件3(Attachment 3):

    Attachment 3 Notice to students in completion of students.doc 

附件4(Attachment 4):

    4.1 Catalog of Courses Available for 2024-2025-1 (Batch 2021) .pdf

    4.2 Catalog of Courses Available for 2024-2025-1 (Batch 2022) .pdf

    4.3 Catalog of Courses Available for 2024-2025-1 (Batch 2023) .pdf

    4.4 Catalog of Courses Available for 2024-2025-1 (Batch 2024) .pdf


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