学分认定常见问题解答及帮助文档(FAQ for credit recogintion & student operation manual)


Q1: 学分认定每年什么时候开始?采用何种方式?When does the credit recognition start every academic year? How can I  have my credit recognized by NUAA?

A1: 学分认定每年仅进行一次。根据教务处统一时间安排,学院会提前发布通知。The credit recognition application will be processed ONCE an academic year. College of International Education CIE will inform all students in advance as soon as the time arrangement is decided by the Academic Affairs OfficeAAO of NUAA.

学分认定采用线上方式进行,学生必须在教务管理系统中提交申请。 For students who need the credits to be recognized, an online application must be submitted in the AAO system. Website address is: http://aao-eas.nuaa.edu.cn/eams/login.action


Q2:什么课程可以申请学分认定?认定为何种类型的课程?有何区别?Which course can be recognized? What types will the credits be categorized after being recognized? What is the difference?

A2:经个人申请、国际教育学院审核,暑期国际课程学分可以认定为专业选修课学分或国际课程学分。Students could apply to have the credits of summer international courses recognized by NUAA as the credits of optional major courses. Applications for having the credits recognized as optional major courses will be approved by CIE based on the importance & necessity of the courses to students'  major study.  OR,  the credits will be recognized as normal international courses.

认定为专业选修课的学分,计入毕业总学分。If the credits are recognized as credits of optional major coursesthey will be counted into the total credits for graduation.


认定为国际课程的学分,不计入毕业总学分。If the credits are recognized as credits of normal international coursesthey will NOT be counted into the total credits for graduation. BUT the grade point of the course will help students to increase the final GPA.


Q3:已被认定的学分可以提升我的GPA吗?Will the recognized credits improve my GPA?

A3:被认定学分的课程将进入学生成绩单,同时计入绩点计算。如果课程成绩足够高,则有可能提升绩点。After the credits are recognized, the courses will be added in your transcript and then counted into your GPA. If the score is high enough, it may increase your GPA.


Q4:课程成绩考的不好怎么办?可以不认定吗?What shall I do if I didn’t get a good score of the course? Can I choose not to have the credits recognized?

A4:认定课程学分必须先由学生申请。学生不申请,学校不予认定。The first step for students who need the credits to be recognized is to submit an application. No application is received, no recognition will be processed.


Q5:错过本次学分认定,怎么办?以后还可以申请认定吗?What shall I do if I missed submitting the application this time? Is there any chance for me to apply again?

A5:可以。本科毕业前,在规定时间都可以申请。Yes, you can apply to have it done next time but before your graduation.

Q6:怎么在线申请学分认定?How to submit an online application for credit recognition

A6:请参阅附件1的操作手册。See in attachment 1 for detail instructions.


Q7:怎么查询学分认定结果?How to check the final result of the course credit recognition

A7:请参阅附件1的操作手册。See in attachment 1 for detail instructions.

附件1(Attachment 1):Operation manual for credit recognition(V2).pdf


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