【NUAA Invited Lecture Series】Ten Years Editorial Work Experience as the Editor-in-Chief of ActaAstronautica(Acta Astronautica 主编十年经验谈)


Lecture TopicTen Years Editorial Work Experience as the Editor-in-Chief of ActaAstronauticaActa Astronautica 主编十年经验谈)

LecturerProf. Rock Jengshing Chern York UniversityInternational Academy of Astronautics

TimeOctober.19, 2021, 20:00PM

LocationTencent meeting ID440189874

OrganizersCollege of Aerospace Engineering, International Cooperation Office


This lecture is based on the 11-year experience as the chief editorof Acta Astronautica (International Astronautical Journal), and talks about theexperience of the process,and general considerations for submission to ActaAstronautica. The content is roughly divided into the following parts:

1. Examples of experience;

2. History of Acta Astronautica (Journal);

3. Current status of Acta Astronautica;

4. My editing experience and thoughts atActa Astronautica;

5. Appendix.

(本讲座是主讲人以从事Acta Astronautica (国际宇航学报)主编11年的经历,漫谈处理过程之经验,以及投稿到Acta Astronautica一般注意事项。) 


Dr. Jengshing Chern was born in Taiwan in1947. He obtained a bachelor and master degree in mechanical engineering fromChenggong University in 1969 and 1971, and a master degree and doctor degree inaerospace engineering from the University of Michigan in 1977 and 1979. He hasparticipated in international academic seminars since 1980. More than 100sessions, participated in various academic committees in the field of aviationand aerospace, served as the chairman of seminars, and presided over a numberof large and small projects. He is currently the editor-in-chief of ActaAstronautica and an adjunct professor in the Department of MechanicalEngineering at York University in Canada. Dr. Chern was elected as acommunications academician of the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA)in 1997 and was promoted to an academician in 2001; he has served as co-editorof Acta Astronautica since 2008, and has been promoted to editor-in-chief since2011. In 2020, he was awarded the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA)Engineering Science Group Medal; published more than 200 academic papers andobtained 2 patents.

(陈正兴博士1947年生于台湾,19691971年分别获得成功大学机械工程学士、硕士,19771979年分别获得美国密歇根大学航空航天工程硕士、博士;从1980年开始参加国际学术研讨会,累计超过100场,曾多次参加各种航空、航天领域之学术委员会,多次担任研讨会主席,主持过多项大小计划。现任Acta Astronautica总编辑、加拿大约克大学(York University)机械工程系兼任教授。陈博士1997年获选国际宇航科学院(International Academy of Astronautics (IAA))通讯院士,2001年晋升为院士;2008起担任ActaAstronautica共同编辑,2011年起晋升为总编辑。2020年获颁国际宇航科学院(IAA)工程科学组奖章;发表学术论文两百余篇,获有2项专利。)

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