【NUAA Invited Lecture Series】Evolution in Mechanical Engineering: Past and Future


TopicEvolution in Mechanical Engineering: Past and Future

LecturerProf. Gabor Stepan ( Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary)

TimeNovember.11, 2021, 17:00-18:00GMT+8

LocationTencent meeting ID: 668633511

OrganizerCollege of Aerospace Engineering


First, engineering education in Hungary is introduced, the location, the role, and the history of Budapest University of Technology are presented. The lifetime achievements of Theodor von Karman (Kármán Tódor) is summarized, which already leads to the international perspectives of mechanical engineering by means of his best ever student, Tsien Hsue-Shen (钱学森). Karman’s wisdom has an essential effect on many fields and topics of mechanical engineering through the globe from Japan through China and Germany to the United States. The story of the development of jet propulsion predicts the subsequent challenge: space exploration. Two examples are mentioned for research cooperation between our universities. The closing remarks deal with the task of how to attract excellent students to mechanical engineering which seems to remain the driving force for our technological development in the future.


Gabor Stepan教授,匈牙利籍,匈牙利科学院院士,欧洲科学院院士,国际生产工程科学院(CIRP)院士,爱沙尼亚科学院外籍院士,匈牙利科学院科学技术部前任主席,国际理论与应用联盟(IUTAM)常务理事,南京航空航天大学名誉教授,2021年“江苏省政府友谊奖”获奖者。Stepan教授是国际应用力学界的著名学者,曾获美国机械工程师学会 “Thomas K. Caughey Dynamics”奖,匈牙利最高科学技术奖“Szechenyi Prize”等众多荣誉。主要研究领域包括:分析力学(稳定性理论,非线性振动,运动方程);微分方程(分岔理论,时滞微分方程,混沌);工程应用(车轮非线性动力学,机器人振动与稳定性,非平衡稳定点镇定,人体及机器人平衡问题,康复机器人,机械加工,交通动力学)。

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