1. 留学生护照复印件(包括照片、有效期、护照号、出生年月);
2. 门急诊发票原件(公立医院、财税发票、盖医院及财务章、地税收据不能报销);
3. 每次就诊的门急诊病历(就诊日期与发票一致),相关检查/化验报告单等;
4. 银行账户信息(请提供存折复印件或到银行打印账户对账单,体现开户名、卡号、开户行)。如理赔款委托他人收,请填写授权委托书,学生本人签字,留学办公室盖章,将委托书原件、收款人有效证件复印件和其他所有文件一起邮寄。
5. 因意外受伤治疗,请提供《意外伤害证明》(学生本人签字或留学生办公室盖章) ,意外证明中要写清受伤过程(包括什么时间、在哪里、因为什么导致受伤、伤到哪里); 如因交通事故受伤,还需提供交通事故认定书原件(盖红章)
1. 留学生护照复印件(包括照片、有效期、护照号、出生年月)
2. 发票原件(公立医院、财税发票、盖医院及财务章、地税收据不能报销)
3. 住院费用总清单原件;
4. 出院小结
5. 诊断证明
6. 银行账户信息(请提供存折复印件或去银行打印账户对账单,体现开户名、卡号、开户行)。如理赔款委托他人收,请填写附件中的授权委托书,学生本人签字,留学办公室盖章,将委托书原件、收款人有效证件复印件和医疗文件一起邮寄。
7. 如因意外受伤治疗,请提供《意外伤害证明》(学生本人签字或留学生办公室盖章) ,意外证明中要写清受伤过程(包括什么时间、在哪里、因为什么导致受伤、伤到哪里); 如因交通事故受伤,还需提供交通事故认定书原件(盖红章)。
·地址:北京市西城区金融街23号平安大厦9层 ;
· 邮编:100033;
· 收件人:留学保险项目组;
1. 学生有就医需求时,首先拨打客服电话报案,医生提供就医指导;
2. 就医时请选择公立医院的普通科室,;私立、合资医院、特需、国际门急诊、外宾病房、VIP病房、医疗整形美容科、康复科、干部病房、包间、单间、包床、挂床等情况不能理赔报销,医疗费用范围为医保范围内的项目及费用;
3. 每次就诊时,务必提醒医生书写详细的就诊记录/病历;收费发票日期与门急诊病历所记载的就诊日期一致,且姓名与护照姓名中某个字段一致并仔细核对,不一致时到医院收费处变更或找留办老师开具《姓名证明》,发票为中文名的,《理赔申请书》上须标注中文名。
4. 因疾病在门急诊就医的请注意日费用限额600元,在日费用限额的基础上累计超过起付线,报销起付线以上保险责任范围内的85%费用,医保范围内就医,不能有重复开药、重复就诊的记录,保期内报销上限为2万元人民币。每天就诊的合理费用如超过600元,只能按照600元参与理赔核算,具体能赔多少需提交理赔文件进行审核后出结果。注意保存起付线以下疾病门急诊的全部医疗文件,超过起付线后可申请理赔,理赔时须一并提交;
5. 因意外受伤门急诊治疗,不受日费用限额及起付线的限制,保险责任范围内100%报销。
6. 就诊前须报案,未经救援公司医生询诊备案且未经门诊诊治而直接入院治疗的(包括病情未达到住院程度却要求门诊医生同意住院治疗的),救援公司不负责住院费用垫付。对于未按照上述程序申请的,个人自行垫支医疗费用的,将无法获得赔付。
Please prepare the following documents and post to us.
Please log in www.lxbx.net to learn more information.
Please be informed that we are not sure about how much you can get back before we receive your documents.
Notice: The hospital has to be a public hospital and do everything as Chinese normal. No international service, special need service, no rehabilitation department, no plastic department. Also anything like pregnancy can't be covered.
For outpatient treatment (disease) deductible is 650 RMB; Daily Limitation is 600RMB. For accident there is no daily limitation, no starting-line.
Examples are shown as below:
If you have paid an insurance fee at RMB 800 or RMB 400, then you have paid RMB 900 on February 1st, 2016, paid RMB 400 on May 3rd, and RMB 700 on July 15th (all the fees for clinical service are rational) due to being treated in a local public hospital within the insurance period.
The formula for claim settlement: {(600 +400 +600)-650}*85%=807.50 (Unit: RMB Yuan)
For hospitalization please live in a normal ward (3 or more than 3 people).
Please prepare the following documents for the reimbursement and all the documents must be posted to us by express delivery service(快递).If you want to know if we receive it, please check the status on line with the tracking number.
1. For outpatient treatment:
a. Copy of your passport.(护照复印件)
b. All original invoices.(所有的原始发票)
c. All the medical records. Every time you go to hospital you MUST ask the doctor to write the medical record for you. This is very important (所有的病历,每次去医院必须要求医生写病历,非常重要)
d. You must use one whole part of your name on your passport to register. For example, your name is James Bond; you can use James or Bond to register, do not use the whole name, because it’s too long. (就医时必须使用护照姓名的一个完整字段挂号,举例:学生的名字是James Bond,学生可以使用James或者Bond挂号,以免全名太长无法打印).
e. Your bank account information that includes: account name, card number, sub-brunch name of the bank. You can go to the bank and ask the staff there to print the account statement for you. If you want the insurance company to transfer the money to other individual, please download and print the attachment named “平安养老留学生代理赔委托书模板”, the insured has to sign on this piece of paper and the teacher has to stamp on it with the university seal. We need the original piece of paper and the copy of lD (passport or identification card) belongs to the individual that the insurance company is going to transfer the money to. (本人的银行卡户名,卡号,开户行信息需细化到支行。可以要求银行帮忙打印对账单。如果需要将理赔款转至他人账户,需要下载填写“平安养老留学生代理赔委托书模板”,被保险人本人签字,留办老师盖学校章,此文件需要原件,且需要提供收款人的有效证件复印件。)
f. If you go to hospital due to accident (got injured accidently), please write a report to show us clearly where, when and how you get injured. Your clear handwritten signature is required. (如果意外受伤,请本人书写详细的报告说明事件发生的时间,地点,经过并且本人清晰手写签名).
2. For hospitalization:
a. Copy of your passport.(护照复印件)
b. The original invoice. You must use one whole part of your name on your passport to register. For example, your name is James Bond; you can use James or Bond to register, do not use the whole name, because it’s too long. (原始发票,就医时必须使用护照姓名的一个完整字段挂号,举例:学生的名字是James Bond,学生可以使用James或者Bond挂号,以免全名太长无法打印).
c. Detailed expenditure sheet. (住院总费用清单)
d. Hospital discharge summary. (出院小结)
e. Your bank account information that includes: account name, card number, sub-brunch name of the bank. You can go to the bank and ask the staff there to print the account statement for you. If you want the insurance company to transfer the money to other individual, please download and print the attachment named “垫付/理赔委托书”, the insured has to sign on this piece of paper and the teacher has to stamp on it with the university seal. We need the original piece of paper and the copy of lD (passport or identification card) belongs to the individual that the insurance company is going to transfer the money to. (本人的银行卡户名,卡号,开户行信息需细化到支行。可以要求银行帮忙打印对账单。如果需要将理赔款转至他人账户,需要下载填写“垫付/理赔委托书”,被保险人本人签字,留办老师盖学校章,此文件需要原件,且需要提供收款人的有效证件复印件。)
f. If you go to hospital due to accident (got injured accidently), please write a report to show us clearly where, when and how you get injured. Your clear handwritten signature is required.(如果意外受伤,请本人书写详细的报告说明事件发生的时间,地点,经过并且本人清晰手写签名).
Information of the insurance company:
Address: 北京市西城区金融街23号平安大厦9层 ;
Zip code: 100022;
Phone: 010-59731813
One accident, 180 days. Any treatment after 180 days since the accident happened can't be covered by the insurance.
If you do not understand, please log in www.lxbx.net to learn more information about it.