关于做好2025届本科毕业生图像信息采集工作的通知 (Notice on image collection for 2025 undergraduates)



Students from Batch 2021


According to the requirements of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education, University entrusts Jiangsu Provincial College Enrollment and Employment Guidance Service Center (hereinafter referred to as "JPCEEGSC") to uniformly collect the images of 2025 graduates,to ensure the standardization and completeness of electronic registration information for graduate education. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

一、采集时间 Time


From May 1 to 17, 2024(8:00-18:00) Beijing Time

二、采集对象 Who should join in?


Students from batch of 2021


Students who have images collected in previous years do not need to collect again.

三、采集要求 Requirements

(一)采集办法Collect method


Online collect.Before collection, an exclusive encrypted QR code (referred to as the collection code) MUST be obtained by logging on China Higher Education Information (CHSI).The method of obtaining the collection code is shown in Attachment 1.


After obtaining the collection code,online image collection can be carried out.Please refer to Attachment 2 for guide.

(二)拍照注意事项 Considerations for taking photos

1. 光线:面向窗户,自然光拍摄(避免阳光直射,勿在晚间或户外拍摄),保证面部光线均匀,无明显可见或不对称的高光、光斑,无红眼。

Light: Face the window and shoot with natural light (avoid direct sunlight, and do not shoot at night or outdoors) to ensure that the face light is uniform without obvious visible or asymmetric highlights, spots or red eyes.

2. 人物姿态与表情:站姿或坐姿端正,表情自然,双眼自然睁开并平视,耳朵对称,左右肩膀平衡,嘴唇自然闭合。

Posture and expression: the standing or sitting posture shall be upright, the expression shall be natural, the eyes shall naturally open and look at the front horizontally, the ears shall be symmetrical, the left and right shoulders shall be balanced, and the lips shall close.

3. 眼镜:常戴眼镜者应佩戴眼镜,但不得戴有色(含隐形)眼镜,镜框不得遮挡眼睛,眼镜不能有反光。

Glasses :those who often wear glasses shall wear glasses, but they shall not wear colored (including contact) glasses, the frame shall not block the eyes, and the glasses shall not have reflection.

4. 佩饰及遮挡物:不得佩戴耳环、项链等饰品,头发不得遮挡眉毛、眼睛和耳朵,不得使用头部覆盖物(宗教、医疗和文化需要时,不得遮挡脸部或造成阴影),不宜化妆或涂抹防晒霜。

Accessories and covering: do not wear earrings, necklaces and other accessories, do not cover eyebrows, eyes and ears with hair, do not use head covering (do not cover the face or cause shadow when required by religion, medical and cultural needs), and do not make up or apply sunscreen.

5. 衣着:应穿着与背景色区分明显的上衣,避免复杂图案、条纹(不得穿着蓝色上衣)。

Clothes: wear a coat that is clearly distinguished from the background color to avoid complex patterns and stripes ( jackets or coats in blue are not allowed ).

6. 背景:利用白墙作为背景拍摄不得使用背景布

Background: Use a white wall as the background, do not use background cloth.

7. 严禁翻拍:严禁拍已有的纸质或电子照片,此照片会在毕业前与本人录取照片进行关联校验,不拍摄真人而翻拍处理过的照片(特别是PS严重的照片)会导致学信网无法注册学历信息!为不影响本人学历注册,请按规定拍摄真人。如有违规,账号将被锁定,需联系教务处解锁。

It is strictly prohibited to take photos of existing paper or digital photos. This photo will be associated with your admission photos for verification before graduation. If you take photos of the processed photos (especially the photos with PS), you can’t register on CHSI. In order not to affect your academic registration, please shoot real people according to the regulations. In case of violation, the account will be locked and you need to contact the university academic affairs office to unlock it.



This image information collection will not charge individual students. After the collection, the school will pay it to JPCEEGSC. Paper photos and digital images shall be delivered to the school by JPCEEGSC.


Important note: the digital image collected this time will be used to register on the platform of the Ministry of Education as an important part of the academic certificate. The photo (paper version and digital version), will be used in the important aspects in job application and education background inquiry, such as graduation certificate, the letter of recommendation, CHSI website ,91job website etc. Please take it seriously and follow the steps carefully. Failure to collect as required will affect the acquisition of graduation certificate, degree certificate and online registration of CHSI.

采集过程中,如有实际困难或遇到问题,可联系学院教务老师,联系电话:52112858,邮箱 13285285@qq.com  或到教学办咨询。

In the process of collection, if there are difficulties or problems, contact academic administrator at 52112858, or email to 13285285@qq.com,or consult at Academic Office(Room No.413 ).


Academic Affair Office of CIE   

May 7,2024


Attachment 1 Guide to Obtain a QR code from CHSI附件1. 如何获取学信网图像采集码.pdf

Attachment 2 Guide to the Applet  附件2. 学生用户使用指南2024年.pdf

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