
南京航空航天大学本科留学生奖学金实施细则(Regulations on NUAA scholarships for undergraduate international students)



In order to encourage the study enthusiasm of international students and further promote the development of education and teaching of international students in Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the scholarship for international students of undergraduate majors is specially established and the specific implementation rules are as follows


Basic requirements for applicants of undergraduate professional scholarships for international students.


The applicant is a self-financed international student who has officially registered in the university and has studied for more than one academic year, and has not applied for suspension, retention or extension of study period in the previous year.


Applicants should abide by the laws and regulations of China and the school rules and regulations, respect their teachers, unite with their classmates, have good conduct and be friendly to China, and have not violated any laws and regulations during the academic year.


Love their major, study diligently, get good grades, and have no failures during the academic year.


Pay tuition, accommodation fees and other fees on time.


Those who have already received scholarships from Chinese governments and institutions at all levels will not be involved in the application and evaluation of the first, second and third class scholarships.


Those who have one of the following conditions cannot participate in the evaluation of the scholarship.

1. 因违反外国人出入境管理有关规定而受到行政处罚者;

Those who have received administrative punishment for violating the relevant regulations on entry and exit control of foreigners.

2. 因违反社会公德而造成不良影响者;

Those who have caused adverse effects due to violation of social morality.

3. 评奖后,如发现有舞弊行为,一经查实,即取消获奖资格,追回奖学金,并根据情节严重进行处理和处罚。

After the evaluation, if any fraud is found, once it is confirmed, the award will be cancelled, the scholarship will be recovered, and the treatment and punishment will be based on the seriousness of the case.



The contents of the annual evaluation and the criteria of the scholarship.


Academic performance: focus on the examination results of each subject in the current academic year and the average credit GPA of the academic year.


Learning attitude and attendance: clear learning purpose, correct learning attitude; abide by the teaching and examination discipline; no late and no absenteeism, complete the homework on time; good evaluation by the teacher or instructor of the class.


Organizational discipline and collective concept: abide by Chinese laws and school rules and regulations, respect teachers and supervisors, unite with classmates, and actively participate in activities organized by the school and college.


 Scholarship name, quantitative criteria and quota ratio a as follows:



Scholarship Name




Percentage of the quota of the current students


First Prize Scholarship


Average GPA of 3.5 or above in the previous academic year 



Second Prize Scholarship


Average GPA of 3.0 or above in the previous academic year 



Third Prize Scholarship


Average GPA of 2.5 or above in the previous academic year 




Alumni Scholarship

(Provided by NUAA Alumni Associations)


Students with excellent academic performance, enthusiastic about school and social work, and playing an active role in promoting the development of international students' work in school


One Person


Social Work Scholarship

First Prize


Active in organizing social work and making a great impact


Second Prize


Active participation in social work  


Academic Excellence Award




Excellent Academic Performance Award




Great Progress


The average GPA of the previous academic year is at least 1.5, and the GPA is 0.5 higher than that of the previous year


注 Notes

1. 如果满足各等级奖学金标准的留学生人数多于各等级奖学金名额比例人数,则按照学年平均成绩绩点从高到低按名额比例人数产生获奖名单。

If the number of international students meeting the criteria of each level of scholarship is more than the proportional number of scholarship quota for each level, the winners will be selected according to the average grade point of the academic year from the highest to the lowest according to the proportional number of quota.

2. 一、二、三等奖学金、校友奖学金和社会工作奖可以兼得。

First, second and third class scholarships, alumni scholarships and social work awards can be awarded at the same time.

3. 在平均学分绩点接近情况下,积极参加校级、院级活动者、宿舍卫生成绩高者、上课出勤率高者优先,具体由任课老师和指导老师商量后决定。

When the average GPA is close, those who actively participate in school-level and college-level activities, those with high dormitory hygiene performance, and those with high class attendance will be given priority, as decided by the teachers and instructors after discussion.

4. 有考试不及格的同学取消一、二、三等奖奖学金申报资格,但可以申请其他奖项。

Students who have failed the examination will be disqualified from the first, second and third scholarship, but they can apply for other awards.

版权所有:南京航空航天大学国际教育学院 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 苏ICP备05070685号 技术支持:梦蕾科技