关于申报2024江苏高校外国留学研究生学术研讨会的通知(Notice on Applying for 2024 Jiangsu International Postgraduate Student Academic Forum)


一、活动安排 Activity arrangement


2024 International Postgraduate Student Academic Forum of Jiangsu Province, organized by Jiangsu University, will be held in Zhenjiang City from November 23 to 24, 2024.


This Forum adopts the form of main venue+sub venues for 3 type of disciplines such as:

* Disciplines in science, engineering, agriculture;

* Disciplines in biomedicine, acultural management;

* Disciplines in arts, management, economics, & law.

Each subvenue will hold relevant scientific research achievement exchange and exhibition activities (including oral reports and poster displays).


The expenses on accommodation, transportation, and poster of the attending students will be sponsored by the College of International Education(CIE). The meals during the conference will be arranged uniformly by Jiangsu University.


In the Forum, Excellent Academic Papers and Excellent Academic Posters will be selected and rewards will be given.


NUAA can recommend no more than 6 students to participate in the Forum.

二、    申报条件Who can apply


NUAA international students enrolled in master and doctoral programme;


Students, meeting the requirement in Clause (1), who has independently completed original academic papers which have not been publicly published in other academic conferences, proceedings, or journals;


The first author of the paper should be the student themselves or their supervisors, and the paper should be written in Chinese or English;


Students attending the Forum must obtain approval from their supervisors, and the content of the submitted academic papers must be reviewed by supervisors.


三、 申报时间When to apply


Before October 20, 2024, students should submit the filled and printed Application Form(Attachment 1), which must be signed by supervisors, to CIE (Room No. 407, Ms Guan).


Before October 21, 2024, CIE will organize an evaluation and determine the recommended participants.


Before October 25, 2024, the recommended students should complete their papers and posters according to the given template and submit them to CIE (Room No. 407, Ms Guan).


四、联系人Contact information


Ms. Guan, Office Telephone: 025-52122687




College of International Education


October 12, 2024

附件1:Attachment 1

Download Application Form:  application form-v2.docx 


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