2021年秋季学期注册报到通知(Notice on Registration of 2021 Fall Semester)


Part I.  重要时间节点 Schedule

1. 中国境内新生91-2线上报到,91日开始健康打卡,具体返校时间将视疫情防控情况另行通知;境外新生92日前完成线上注册报到;上课时间另行通知

New students who are now in or can enter China please register online from September 1st to 2nd 2021, and do daily health report from September 1st 2021, on i.南航 APP ( Please download on the website app.nuaa.edu.cn ); new students who are outside of China please register online before September 2nd, 2021.. The time of entering the campus will be noticed later according to the COVID-19 prevention and control situation.

University will give you another notice about the class time.


2. 本科二、三、四年级(在中国境内或能正常入境的学生)829日前报到,校外住宿学生在接到返校通知前暂不返校;境外学生829日前完成线上注册报到;830日正式上课。

Current undergraduate students (who are in or can enter China) please register before August 29th, 2021, and please do not return to campus before getting university official notice; current undergraduate students who are outside of China please register online before August 29th, 2021. Classes will begin on August 30th 2021.


3. 研究生老生(在中国境内或能正常入境的学生)830-31日报到,校外住宿学生在接到返校通知前暂不返校;境外学生829日前完成线上注册报到。

Current postgraduate students (who are in or can enter China) please register from August 30th to 31st, 2021, and please do not return to campus before getting university official notice; current postgraduate students who are out of China please register online before August 29th, 2021.


4. 本科学生2022110日至14日停课考试。

Exam week for bachelor students is from Jan 10th to 14th, 2022.


5. 寒假从2022115日至220日。

Winter vacation is from Jan 15th to Feb 20th, 2022.


Part II. 入境入学  Entry and Enrollment


 Can international students enter China as usual for the fall semester?


  2021 fall semester of our university will begin as scheduled.


Students who are outside of China are required to register online and learn online.


Bachelor students who are in China are expected to register at college office on campus. Theoretical courses are mainly taught online; practical courses will be taught offline. For more detailed teaching information, please pay attention to college notices.


Postgraduate students in China are expected to register at the college office on campus. Teaching methods vary from course to course. Please pay attention to the college and teachers’notice of specific arrangements.



Is there any estimated time when international students who are outside of China will be allowed to enter China?


Due to the uncertainty of the pandemic, there is no estimated time of entrance for students out of China. Students are advised to consult the Chinese embassy or consulates in their country or region. The university will make a timely notice when it receives related information.

Part III. 新生入学报到   Registration of New Students

Q3. 在中国境内的新生如何报到注册?

How are new students in China supposed to register with the university?

A3: 91-2线上进行报到注册。

New students who are now inside China should follow the university guidelines and register online from September 1st to 2nd, 2021.


CSC bachelor scholarship students must bring the admission letter and the preparatory school study certificate; students who did not take HSK exam because of the pandemic can take the exam at NUAA after registration. CSC postgraduate scholarship students should provide admission letter at registration time.



  How should new students who are out of China register?


  Please register online after paying tuition fees on time. 



      How should new students pay the tuition fees?

A5:请于2021831日之前交清学费。汇款时请备注“ 2021+申请编号”,汇款成功后请将汇款单以微信或邮箱的形式发送给辅导员。

Please pay the tuition fees before August 31st, 2021. Please note 2021 + Application Number when remitting. After successful remittance, please send the remittance slip to the coordinator by WeChat or email.


When the pandemic is effectively controlled globally in the future, and the Chinese government allows international students to enter the country for study, but if any student fails to apply for JW202 form or study visa for objective reasons, the university will refund the full amount of the tuition fees paid.



      I am right now outside of China, how should I apply for the visa to enter China?


     Decisions about when to deliver the hard copy of the admission documents to the admitted students will be made based on the relevant government policies. At the same time, you may also contact and consult the Chinese embassy or consulates and follow the updated information about visa application.


Part IV. 老生注册报到   Registration of Current Students


     How should current students register?


     Current students who are inside China are expected to arrive at campus to register at college office; current students who are outside of China and cannot enter the country should register online. Please send your payment slip to your coordinator by WeChat or Email, and the coordinator will give the registration name list to the Academic Affairs Office for online registration.



   How are current students supposed to pay the tuition fees? If I study online, is there any reduction in tuition fees?


Current students who are inside China can pay by WeChat or transfer to the university bank account; Current students who are outside of China can transfer directly to the university bank account. The tuition fees for online study are the same as offline courses.


In principle, the tuition fees for one academic year should be paid off at one time. If there is any acceptable reason, tuition fees can be paid by semester.


NOTE: The procedure regarding the returning to campus will be updated according to the COVID-19 prevention and control policies made by the university.  

版权所有:南京航空航天大学国际教育学院 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 苏ICP备05070685号 技术支持:梦蕾科技